Woodbridge New Jersey DWI Attorneys

If you have been arrested for DWI or DUI in Woodbridge NJ, hiring a New Jersey DWI defense lawyer to help you fight the case may be one of the most important decision you make. We don’t go into any DWI case looking to plea. We dwi-qualificationslook to win and approach each case with that goal. We are one of only a few firms in the State that has specialized credentials in the area of DWI defense.

DWI and DUI charges are normally issued by the police at a higher rate in Woodbridge than in other New Jersey municipalities. Obviously, when there are a number of heavily traveled roadways cutting through a town, the police are going to have more contact with drivers. Route 1 and 9, the Parkway, Interstate 95 and 287, 440… all of these roads converge in Woodbridge.

As a result, many people are arrested each year and charged with driving while intoxicated and driving under the influence of drugs.

One common mistake that many people make and a misconception that we frequently encounter is that there is no getting out of a DWI. This is simply not true. We know this because we win DWI trials. And in many instances, we have been able to negotiate pre-trial dismissals of DWI charges.

This may be your first offense. It could be a second or a third DWI charge. Whatever your situation, the stakes are too high to leave it to chance. We know what to look for and how to defend a DWI

We have years of experience successfully handling DWI, traffic and criminal charges  in the Woodbridge Municipal Court. We offer free consultations and are available 24 hours.

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